Unit 1: OOP Key Learning

- Lesson 7 was a great lesson because it cemented the idea of a method and how it can be used to make an object do things that it couldn’t do before. For example, since the painter only understands the command of turning left, we learned to make a method using three turn lefts to make the painter turn right.

- Lesson 9 was a great lesson because it focused on the debugging aspect of programming. This step requires a lot of patience because you may have to go through multiple lines and commit many times to discover your error and impliment the correct code.

- Lesson 13 was a compilation of a lot of the steps we were previously walked through to give us a feel for creating programs more independantly. In this lesson, I saw the importance of pseudocode in making the writing of your code efficient. With psuedocode, you know exactly the steps you are taking with your code and are able to be more productive.